Professional Catering and Management Careers

Catering is often the largest line item on any planning budget, whether it be meetings, events, or weddings; Lick & Sweet teaches students how to efficiently manage this lion's share of the budget. The Department of Catering at Lick & Sweet is aligned with all processes of professional Catering and all courses are taught by certified professionals who are leaders in their fields. Courses are broad and pratical, and learning is project-based, not test-oriented. Learn how to be a qualified caterer in all catering aspect and execute effective management techniques.


Your Experience Starts Here

You are the centerpiece of this Unique School. It requires a lot of determination to attain success in your Chosen Career. That's why we partner the students with experienced teams and professional teachers who ensure that your period with Lick & Sweet Catering School is informative and pratical.

Quality Pratical Classes For The Students

Lick & Sweet Catering School offers the students lot of pratical Classes to ensure that they have knowledge in all catering areas.

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Our Sports Day

In Lick 'n' Sweet Catering School we have the day where we rest our minds, cause all work and no play makes mary a dull girl. So after an educative and fun learning, we all head out on this day to have some fun.